Assessment Quiz

Anxiety Assessment Questions

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Q1. In the last two weeks, how often have you felt nervous, anxious, or on edge? *
Q2. In the last two weeks, how often have you felt nervous, anxious, or on edge? *
Q3. How often have you felt restless or unable to relax due to worry or stress? *
Q4. In the past two weeks, how often have you been easily fatigued or drained by your worries? *
Q5. How often have you had difficulty concentrating because of your worries? *
Q6. In the past two weeks, how often have you felt afraid that something terrible might happen, even when there is no apparent reason? *
Q7. How often do you experience physical symptoms related to your anxiety, such as a racing heart, sweating, or trouble breathing? *
Q8. How often do you avoid situations or places because you feel anxious? *
Q9. How often do you experience muscle tension or aches as a result of anxiety or stress? *
Q10. How often have you found yourself thinking that you're unable to handle your stress or your anxiety levels? *

Personal Information

Total Points

Scoring and Results

  • 10-20 points: Low Anxiety: You may be experiencing only occasional anxious moments. It's still beneficial to check in with your mental health, especially during stressful times.
  • 21-30 points: Moderate Anxiety: You may be experiencing anxiety frequently, but it doesn’t significantly affect all areas of your life. Consider implementing stress-relief strategies or speaking with a mental health professional.
  • 31-40 points: High Anxiety: Your anxiety may be affecting your day-to-day life significantly. It's highly recommended to seek professional help, such as therapy or counseling, to better manage your anxiety symptoms.

Depression Assessment Questions

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Q1.In the last two weeks, how often have you felt little interest or pleasure in doing things you normally enjoy? *
Q2. How often have you felt down, depressed, or hopeless in the past two weeks? *
Q3. How often have you had trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or sleeping too much? *
Q4. How often have you felt tired or had little energy during the past two weeks? *
Q5. In the past two weeks, how often have you had a poor appetite or overeaten? *
Q6. How often have you felt like a failure or that you have let yourself or your family down? *
Q7. How often have you had trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television? *
Q8. How often have you felt bad about yourself, or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down? *
Q9. In the past two weeks, how often have you had thoughts that you would be better off dead, or of hurting yourself in some way? *
Q10. How often have you felt physically slowed down or restless, such as having trouble moving or talking quickly, or being agitated or overly anxious? *

Personal Information

Total Points

Scoring and Results

  • 10-20 points: Low to Mild Depression: You may be experiencing mild depression or occasional low moods. It might be helpful to engage in self-care, but if symptoms persist, seeking support from a therapist is recommended.
  • 21-30 points: Moderate Depression: You may be experiencing moderate depressive symptoms that are starting to affect your daily life. It’s important to seek support, such as therapy or counseling, to help manage these feelings.
  • 31-40 points: Severe Depression: You may be experiencing significant depressive symptoms. It is crucial to reach out to a mental health professional to discuss treatment options and get the support you need.

Bipolar Disorder Assessment Questions

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Depressive Episodes :

Q1.In the past two weeks, how often have you felt sad, hopeless, or down? *
Q2. How often have you lost interest or pleasure in activities that you typically enjoy? *
Q3. How often have you felt fatigued or lacking in energy, even after resting or sleeping? *
Q4. In the past two weeks, how often have you had trouble concentrating or making decisions? *
Q5. How often have you felt worthless or guilty without a clear reason? *

Manic or Hypomanic Episodes :

Q6. In the past month, how often have you felt unusually energetic or restless, even when you didn't have any extra tasks or activities? *
Q7. How often have you felt more self-confident, or like you were capable of accomplishing anything, even without much effort? *
Q8. How often have you engaged in impulsive or risky behaviors, such as spending money recklessly, driving dangerously, or making big life decisions without thinking them through? *
Q9. Have you experienced a significant decrease in the need for sleep (e.g., feeling rested after only a few hours of sleep)? *
Q10. How often have you been more talkative than usual or felt the urge to keep talking even when it seemed inappropriate or excessive? *

Personal Information

Total Points

Scoring and Results

  • 10-20 points: Low to Mild Bipolar Symptoms: You may be experiencing some mood fluctuations, but they may not be significant enough to indicate bipolar disorder. However, it might be helpful to keep track of any changes and consult a mental health professional for advice.
  • 21-35 points: Moderate Bipolar Symptoms: You may be showing some signs of both depressive and manic/hypomanic episodes. It’s important to reach out to a mental health professional for a more thorough evaluation and potential diagnosis.
  • 36-50 points: High Bipolar Symptoms: You may be experiencing significant mood swings between depression and mania/hypomania. It's highly recommended to seek immediate professional support, as bipolar disorder can significantly affect your quality of life and require treatment.
Important Note:

This quiz is a general guide and is not intended to diagnose any condition. Only a licensed mental health professional can provide a diagnosis of bipolar disorder or any other mental health condition. If you are concerned about your mental health, please seek professional help.

OCD Assessment Questions

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Obsessive Thoughts :

Q1. How often do you experience unwanted or intrusive thoughts that cause you distress? *
Q2. How often do you worry excessively about making mistakes, even in situations where there’s little risk of error? *
Q3. How often do you have persistent fears that something bad will happen, like harm coming to yourself or others, even if there is no real threat? *
Q4. How often do you experience the need to repeat certain thoughts or phrases to alleviate anxiety or distress? *
Q5. How often do you have thoughts about harming yourself or others, even though you don’t want to? *

Compulsive Behaviors :

Q6. How often do you feel compelled to perform certain actions or rituals (like washing your hands, checking locks, or arranging objects) to prevent harm or reduce anxiety? *
Q7. How often do you feel that you must perform a behavior or ritual in a specific way, or something bad will happen if you don’t? *
Q8. How often do you spend a significant amount of time (more than an hour) each day performing rituals or compulsions? *
Q9. How often do you avoid certain situations, places, or people because you fear they will trigger your obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors? *
Q10. How much do your obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors interfere with your daily life (work, school, relationships, etc.)? *

Personal Information

Total Points

Scoring and Results

  • 10-20 points: Low OCD Symptoms: You may experience occasional intrusive thoughts or compulsive behaviors, but they likely do not cause significant disruption to your daily life. It may be helpful to track any changes or consult a mental health professional if symptoms worsen.
  • 21-35 points: Moderate OCD Symptoms: You may experience distressing thoughts or engage in compulsive behaviors that impact your daily life to some extent. Consider reaching out to a mental health professional for an evaluation and possible strategies for managing symptoms.
  • 36-50 points: High OCD Symptoms: You may be experiencing significant obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors that are interfering with your daily functioning. It's important to seek professional help to discuss treatment options, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or medication.
Important Note:

This quiz is intended to help raise awareness of potential symptoms and is not a diagnostic tool. Only a qualified mental health professional can provide an accurate diagnosis of OCD or any other condition. If you are struggling with distressing thoughts or behaviors, it’s recommended to reach out to a therapist for guidance.

PTSD Assessment Questions

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Re-experiencing (Intrusive Memories):

Q1. How often do you experience flashbacks or intrusive memories of a past traumatic event? *
Q2. How often do you experience nightmares or disturbing dreams related to a past traumatic event? *
Q3. How often do you feel like you are reliving the traumatic event, even when you are awake? *

Avoidance and Numbing:

Q4. How often do you avoid thinking about or discussing the traumatic event because it causes you distress? *
Q5. How often do you avoid people, places, or situations that remind you of the traumatic event? *
Q6. How often do you feel emotionally numb or detached from others, even those you care about? *

Negative Mood and Cognition:

Q7. How often do you feel hopeless or negative about the future or your life? *
Q8. How often do you experience difficulty remembering important aspects of the traumatic event? *
Q9. How often do you feel guilty or blame yourself for what happened during the traumatic event? *

Hyperarousal (Increased Stress Response):

Q10. How often do you feel easily startled or on edge, even in situations that don’t warrant it? *
Q11. How often do you experience difficulty sleeping or staying asleep due to anxiety or distressing thoughts? *
Q12. How often do you experience irritability, anger, or difficulty controlling your emotions? *

Personal Information

Total Points

Scoring and Results

  • 10-20 points: Low PTSD Symptoms: While you may have some distressing memories or thoughts, they likely aren’t significantly impacting your life. It's important to continue monitoring your mental health and reach out if symptoms intensify.
  • 21-35 points: Moderate PTSD Symptoms: You may be experiencing symptoms that affect your daily life. It’s recommended to seek professional support to develop coping strategies and address the impact of trauma.
  • 36-50 points: High PTSD Symptoms: Your symptoms may be significantly affecting your life and functioning. Seeking immediate professional help is highly recommended for a thorough assessment and treatment plan.

BPD Assessment Questions

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Emotional Instability:

Q1. How often do you experience intense feelings of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness that seem to come and go quickly? *
Q2. How often do you feel like your mood changes rapidly or unpredictably, such as going from very happy to very angry or sad? *

Relationship Instability:

Q3. How often do you have intense, unstable relationships that seem to shift from idealizing someone to suddenly feeling disappointed or angry with them? *
Q4. How often do you feel extremely sensitive to how others perceive or react to you, fearing rejection or abandonment? *

Impulsivity and Self-destructive Behavior:

Q5. How often do you engage in impulsive behaviors such as spending money recklessly, overeating, or risky sexual behaviors? *
Q6. How often do you engage in self-harming behaviors (e.g., cutting, burning yourself) or have thoughts about self-harm or suicide? *

Identity Disturbance:

Q7. How often do you feel unsure or confused about who you are, your values, or what you want in life? *
Q8. How often do you feel like your sense of self is unstable, as if you’re unsure who you are from one moment to the next? *

Chronic Feelings of Emptiness:

Q9. How often do you feel a sense of emptiness, like something is missing or that you are "incomplete"? *
Q10. How often do you struggle to fill a deep sense of emptiness or dissatisfaction with activities, relationships, or possessions? *

Personal Information

Total Points

Scoring and Results

  • 10-20 points: Low BPD Symptoms: You may experience some emotional ups and downs or relationship difficulties, but they are likely not overwhelming. It may still be helpful to monitor your feelings and consider seeking support if you notice any symptoms becoming more persistent.
  • 21-35 points: Moderate BPD Symptoms: You may be experiencing significant emotional and relational challenges. Seeking therapy, particularly Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), can help you better understand and manage your emotions and improve relationships.
  • 36-50 points: High BPD Symptoms: Your symptoms may be significantly affecting your life, relationships, and overall well-being. It is highly recommended to reach out to a mental health professional for a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan, such as DBT or other therapeutic approaches designed for BPD.
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